How To Sue The Insurance Company Over A Wreck

September 15, 2012By Justin Petty No Comments

how to sue

I truly cannot tell you how many times a claimant threatened to sue the company when I was adjusting insurance claims.  All insurance adjuster learn pretty early on that a person will have a hard time trying to sue someone else’s insurance company for bad claims handling, so never was I ever worried when a third-party claimant threatened suit.  In fact, I hoped that they tried so they would learn a lesson.  Just the fact that they threatened it made it known to me that they had no clue how to fight with me.

Now that I am a private claims consultant, it is still one of the most common questions I get from individuals who are upset about the way they are being treated by an insurance company.  If you’ve found this article by searching the internet for “How to sue an insurance company” or some variation, then you are who I am trying to reach.  Please continue reading, the following information is 100% true.


Difficult Adjusters and Lawsuits

November 24, 2009By Justin Petty No Comments


As a former liability adjuster, I cannot count the times that an individual threatened a lawsuit in an attempt to get more money.

I would like to make the point that adjusters are calloused to the threat of a lawsuit.  Many times, the adjuster’s ignorance is the reason they do not respond.  It is rare for an adjuster to actually be involved in the negotiation of an actual suit, so they never get real experience and hardly ever actually hear or see what the staff attorney or hired attorney does to get the suit settled.  Threatening a suit is rarely useful unless the threat is clearly credible.


What can you do with an adjuster’s license?

September 8, 2009By Justin Petty 1 Comment

If you are wondering what you might be able to do with an adjusting license, you are not alone.  Outside of being a desk adjuster for an insurance company (a pretty good option for a lot of people as one can earn upwards of $50k per year after just a short while in the industry), there are not many other great options if you have no experience.  First of all, don’t let anybody tell you that you can become a catastrophe adjuster with no experience.  Many aspiring adjusters think they can just fall into this career because it does pay pretty well, but only during catastrophe’s, and it is just not that easy.  A cat adjuster is somebody that goes out and evaluates damages to property on behalf of an insurance company.  These adjusters are also called independents.  A property and casualty license in Texas will allow you to “qualify” for this type of work, but it takes much more than just a license.  Additionally, other certifications will likely be required, such as those required to evaluate and adjust flood damages.  On top of the specialized training you will need, you will also have to invest in a great computer, great wireless technology, and great estimating software.  Even then, if you don’t have some contacts in the construction and insurance industries, you will likely fall by the wayside very quickly.  Anyway, so cat adjusting is something I would not suggest unless you are just hell bent on it.  The other options you have are limited.  I have been adjusting insurance claims of one type or another for nearly 15 years, and there are not that many opportunities to make more than $60K or $70K per year unless you are well up there in the experience range.  It is experience more than education that speaks to one’s adjusting ability and prowess.  If you are very well disciplined, then you might move up the line into litigation or some other specialty within 5 to 10 years, but you will have to work your way up the ladder.  I have seen few exceptions to this rule, and those exceptions were based on “politics”.  You know, like knowing somebody high up on the ladder.  The other option I see is self employment.  You would have to get some specialty licensing and I would still suggest having experience of at least 5 years before trying to delve into a business of auditing and specialty adjusting.  It is difficult to master all the nuances of claims adjusting without hands on experience.  If you still have questions or want more detailed information on how to become an adjuster, visit my official site and give me a call or shoot me an e-mail.  I will be more than happy to tell you what I know.