BMW Diminished Value Claim Settles At $9,000!

January 10, 2014By Jen Petty No Comments

diminished value, BMW, 2013

LOCATION: Fredericksburg, Virginia

Norman signed up for a free claim consultation through our website after doing his own research and getting an initial offer on his BMW diminished value claim of around $3000.  Hit by a drunk driver, he was having a hard time proving the amount he was owed, but he was SURE it was more than he was being offered.  His practically new BMW now had an accident history and he would pay for it as soon as he walks into any dealership to trade. (more…)

How To Sue The Insurance Company Over A Wreck

September 15, 2012By Justin Petty No Comments

how to sue

I truly cannot tell you how many times a claimant threatened to sue the company when I was adjusting insurance claims.  All insurance adjuster learn pretty early on that a person will have a hard time trying to sue someone else’s insurance company for bad claims handling, so never was I ever worried when a third-party claimant threatened suit.  In fact, I hoped that they tried so they would learn a lesson.  Just the fact that they threatened it made it known to me that they had no clue how to fight with me.

Now that I am a private claims consultant, it is still one of the most common questions I get from individuals who are upset about the way they are being treated by an insurance company.  If you’ve found this article by searching the internet for “How to sue an insurance company” or some variation, then you are who I am trying to reach.  Please continue reading, the following information is 100% true.


Will that accident affect your insurance rate?

April 22, 2010By Justin Petty No Comments

So one of the most common questions I get is related to how an accident will affect insurance premiums.

If you are worried about this, then you are correct in doing so.  The answer as to how much your rate will increase is specific to the insurance company that provides your coverage.  For example, if you watch TV you’ll see advertisements from more than one insurance company that now offer “accident forgiveness”, or something of the sort.  In my opinion, this is a great marketing technique, but I would want to know how much it would have cost me to have an accident before “accident forgiveness” and then whether there is a charge to get “accident forgiveness” on your policy.  Without having those answers, how can one determine if the offer is a deal or a dud?


Difficult Adjusters and Lawsuits

November 24, 2009By Justin Petty No Comments


As a former liability adjuster, I cannot count the times that an individual threatened a lawsuit in an attempt to get more money.

I would like to make the point that adjusters are calloused to the threat of a lawsuit.  Many times, the adjuster’s ignorance is the reason they do not respond.  It is rare for an adjuster to actually be involved in the negotiation of an actual suit, so they never get real experience and hardly ever actually hear or see what the staff attorney or hired attorney does to get the suit settled.  Threatening a suit is rarely useful unless the threat is clearly credible.
