Diminished Value & Total Losses – Economic Bully Stick

April 26, 2019By Justin Petty

The Harsh Reality of Low Value Claims

If you’re getting a less than fair offer and being given some fake excuse why they won’t pay or being told “take it or leave it” on your low value diminished value or total loss claim ($3500 or less and damages are not your fault), then you have a tough realization to come to. 

That realization is that you CANNOT obtain justice. 

diminished value economic bully stick - economic bully

No joke, you can’t win unless you ignore the economics of it and define justice solely as having your day in court and winning. 

Let me say it again. . .

Unless you spend the majority of the $3500.00, YOU CANNOT OBTAIN JUSTICE if you have suffered $3500.00 or less in property damages like diminished value or a total loss and the person responsible, or their insurance company, is refusing to pay for the full amount of damages. 

Ever so often, an insurance carrier or at fault person will surprise me and simply pay for what they owe, but most of the time, they let their insurance company deny payment, or they personally refuse to pay for the full amount of damages.  That nothing can be done is so hard for people to accept / believe that victims refuse to believe it and constantly attempt to convince me that I am wrong and that if I will just help them, they will prove they can get justice. 

Questions you need answers to!

Below I have listed the 10 most common arguments / questions I hear when I tell victims that their claim is a lost cause, and then below that, I have listed the answers I give them. . . .

1.   No way, that’s why we have a legal system, there has got to be something I can do, right?

2.   You mean to tell me that the insurance company can just get away with not paying?

3.   Isn’t it illegal for them to deny my claim?

4.   Won’t the department of insurance help me?

5.   That ain’t right! I’m gonna call a better expert – do you know anybody?

6.   Well, I am going to sue the insurance company immediately, can you send me information on small claims court?

7.   Fine, if you won’t help, then can you refer me to an attorney?

8. If I spend the money to fight and I win, the other side will have to pay back my attorneys fees and costs, right?

9.   Whatever Justin, I will sue and get the insurance company in trouble for DTPA violations (deceptive trade practices), you didn’t think of that, did you?

10. I will get the media involved and expose this – that’ll work, right?

Want to hear the truth bombs from an expert??

Click below to find the answers to all of these questions and more!

Auto Dealer Quotes & Diminished Value – The Solution

January 21, 2016By Justin Petty

If you are attempting to recover damages as a result of diminished value, you will undoubtedly be required to prove your loss.

This can be very difficult for the average accident victim. Can you just call around and get auto dealer quotes to prove your loss?  

Knowledge of the proper methodologies and form for presenting valid supporting data eludes most laymen.

As a former licensed adjuster and current owner of a claim services company, I can attest to how hard it is to document diminished value in a credible manner.

Spill The Beans!  

How Do I Prove My Diminished Value?

California Diminished Value Claims

January 20, 2014By Justin Petty No Comments

California diminished value

California Diminished Value Claims :

What You Need To Know

Throughout the country, individuals are realizing that they have a right to recover the inherent lost market value (diminished value) that occurs after a vehicle has been wrecked and repaired.


There are only two states where case law does not support recovery of diminished value in a negligence cause of action.  California is not one of those states.  New case law in California is clear that it IS possible to recover for the diminished value of your vehicle if you are able to prove your loss. (more…)