Auto Accidents – Critical Thinking

July 20, 2015By Justin Petty

What To Do After An Auto Accident

Advice on Dealing with an Auto Insurance Claim

Most of us will be involved in an auto accident within our lifetimes.

This means that we are likely to have a claim with an insurance company; either our own insurance company or someone else’s insurance company.

After over 17 years of experience in the field of insurance (most as a claims adjuster), I have come to realize that the majority of the public just doesn’t get it (the claims process, that is).

Additionally, I also believe that the majority of auto claims adjusters don’t get it.

When I first began to speak with people about insurance claims over 17 years ago, the problem was not so apparent, but as more attorneys and less experienced adjusters come on the market, claimants get fed a lot of misinformation.

Just search the internet for auto accident claims help or some similar string of search words and you will quickly become confused on how to best approach getting a fair settlement on your insurance claim.

In my own opinion, the best approach is the simplest approach. As the title of this article indicates, critical thinking is the key to a successful claim negotiation.

As an adjuster who has handled almost every type of claim imaginable, I will attempt to give some pointers on critical thinking that we should all remember when we are dealing with a claim, adjusters and claimants alike.

3 Biggest Arguments Against Inherent Diminished Value Dispelled

July 13, 2015By Justin Petty

Diminished Value Denials: How The Insurance Company Is Lying To You

The vast majority of insurance adjusters have had no formal training in valuation appraisals.  

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that insurance adjusters work for an insurance company and are forced to work within the policies of the company they work for.

Unfortunately, insurance companies train employees and adjusters to deny diminished value claims, even if the evidence is overwhelming. 

It is such a rampant practice that they even provide adjusters with several arguments to use and most companies provide form letters that make silly arguments about why they won’t pay for diminished value. 

Here are the three most common arguments carriers use against diminished value and the breakdown of why they are not valid defenses to inherent lost market value claims.